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Re: Whens your launch?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:15 am
by Happy Ours
I removed the stove from boat 3 weeks ago, waxed the hull last week and bottom paint last week and launched on Saturday April 16, if anyone needs a princess stove I have one available everything works perfect on it.


Re: Whens your launch?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:44 am
by blair
Hey Craig...I don't see you in this picture...did you move?
(I'm at the marina in the center, Craig is berthed in the marina at the lower right)
We launch on the 10th...Can't wait!!!

Re: Whens your launch?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:27 am
by blair
Here is Impulsive, unshrunk and almost ready to sip.In a perspective I've never seen her in before.

Re: Whens your launch?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:59 am
by Happy Ours
Hi Blair great pics, I am still there. I am tied at the end of the gas dock in the little inlet, the current was very strong in the channel and the docks are not in yet so Keith and I thought the inlet would be the best spot to tie up, I had Steve come up with his trailer on Saturday April 16, I wanted to launch when the water was high that way I would not need to use the launch ramp at your marina, it was a real nightmare hauling the boat and taking it down the tree lined road from your marina to my marina very, very, tight. I am going up this weekend to do a little maintenance on the boat, wife is working so I will be there myself so drop by if you get a chance, I will be there all weekend spending Saturday night on the boat. Talk to Soon Craig

Re: Whens your launch?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:43 am
by blair
OK now I see you!

Re: Whens your launch?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 11:37 am
by WayWeGo
WayWeGo wrote:You guys are making me look bad! :lol:

I promised my wife to build a large shed this spring, so the boat is sitting and not being worked on. I did buy a bunch of parts for projects over the winter, so besides bottom paint and everything else that needs to be done below the water line, I have some major projects to complete. I hope to be in the water in May, but we'll see...
So it is now early May and I still don't have the bottom paint done! I have been waiting for two weeks for a day that doesn't have rain in the forecast, and the first one was yesterday, Mother's day. My wife is a trooper and let us celebrate on Saturday and then spent all of Mother's day at the boat painting! She did get an Arby's dinner at 9:30 last night... :D

I was going to go back today and put the 2nd coat on, but rain again. :x

Re: Whens your launch?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 12:31 pm
by The Dog House
Launched "The Dog House" this past Saturday. No wind and the water was smooth as glass. Everything went very well. I tried turning to starboard using the back and fill technique and was able to turn the boat around in 1 minute and 41 seconds with only about 10 feet of lateral movement (about one boat width).

Re: Whens your launch?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 3:54 pm
by K4282
I've enjoyed 3 great trips and one sun burn thus far

Re: Whens your launch?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:46 pm
by WayWeGo
Finally got in the water last Tuesday -- at least it wasn't July!!! :roll: