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Boat U S

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:23 am
by Danny Bailey
Got my bill in the mail for annual unlimited towing insurance and it has gone up again!! I know tows are extremely expensive, but I have never used this service in the 19 years I have carried it. Looks like obama may be reading Boat US's play book on 'how to bleed the population'. Is there a better way to have peace of mind while away from the dock?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:04 am
by Tuck
i haven't gotten mine yet (comes up in august), but i've already heard the same thing...that the rates are going up.

what else can we do? this is truly one area where they have you by the nutskies. no one else in my area, at least, who offers this service. so it's either pay a few more beans now and hope we don't have to use it, or pay out the wahzoo if we don't pay now and we do use it.

those in areas where there is sea tow or something else can choose...those of us in places like chattanooga on the tennessee river are hosed.

i feel your pain.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 7:40 am
by Danny Bailey
I've come to a conclusion! Considering:
1. Twin diesels
2. 46 years boating experience
3. Rarely go offshore any more
4. Boat U S / West Marine parts not priced competitively
5. Had towing insurance for 19 years, paid over $2,000 for it and never had to use it

I'm dropping Boat U S!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:48 am
by alexander38
sea-tow 175.00 a year used twice in 10 yrs. I'm good with it. I hate writing 1000.00 checks while the Queen is sayin' I told you so.... :lol: