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Another 11Meter conundrum...

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:58 pm
by dlattan
I was winterizing the domestic water systems on the 1988 11 Meter this past weekend when I noticed what appears to be a level sensor just forward of the water heater. A bit in front of that was a 1" access hole, below which I could see water. It appeared as if this was in the top rear of the domestic water tank, which really confused me because (1) I had just drained the tank -and- (2) why would anyone put a hole in the top of the water tank! I stuck a tape measure down the hole, and found a foot to the bottom, with 10" of water. Trying to figure out that was going on, I put a length of tubing down the hole and used a wet-vac to suck up the liquid to see what it was. The vac emptied the space quickly, generating about 2 gallons of mildly dirty water [actually a bit yellowish]. Obviously, this is not in the main water tank [which holds 100 gallons]. I was wondering if this was a small section of bilge that had its limber hole(s) blocked, when I remembered the sensor -- which appears to be in the top of same space. Anyone have a clue what this is? Is it possibly a dedicated little tank for the AC condensate that is supposed to pump out based on the sensor? I am at a total loss on what this is.

As always, thanks in advance for your insights.

Re: Another 11Meter conundrum...

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:14 am
by RWS
Perhaps Roger DeVore can help.



Re: Another 11Meter conundrum...

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:47 pm
by bocadakota
Sorry, not a clue. I have a 1984 11 Meter Express and only known sensor is for 100 gallon fresh water tank about mid way of the tank under cabin floor. Hot water tank is under cabin entry steps with nothing below it. Solid wall aft of the steps between main cabin and engine room with no limber holes running under water tank or from main cabin to aft under engine room floor. From Roger DeVore

Re: Another 11Meter conundrum...

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:09 pm
by dlattan
Thanks Roger. The "mystery space" between the water heater and the fresh water tank. You mention a sensor for the 100 gallon fresh water tank... where does it display or what does it do?

Re: Another 11Meter conundrum...

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:04 am
by rickalan35
If the level indicator was supposed to be connected to a bilge pump for pump out purposes, as you have suggested, it would require an external fitting somewhere (right?) and that fitting would be something you would have noticed, I would think. But it does sound like a possibility.

My question is, could this be a shower sump? The shower sump in my '94 370 express wasn't working when I bought it, although the shower water was running into it. I replaced the pump. Just a thought. Good luck


Re: Another 11Meter conundrum...

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:20 pm
by dlattan
Thanks. In the '88 11 Meter the shower sump appears to be the space just below the lattice in the bottom of the shower and holds perhaps 3 - 5 gallons. The pump sounds like it is right below. On this boat [as in life?] the more I learn, the less I know...

Re: Another 11Meter conundrum...

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:51 pm
by P-Dogg
the more I learn, the less I know...
Keep at it, it is the only way to understand your boat. Get the manuals from Beacon if you don't have them. I am a bit of a freak and I have learned a lot because I have done a lot of work on my boat. One of my favorite things to do is to send Mr. Bocknek a picture of someplace on my boat that I'm sure he hasn't seen, even though he's had his longer (we have almost identical boats, except for the teal dock lines). Okay, so I'm easily amused....