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Post by larglo »

Hi all,

The dems accused Bush of taking his eye off the ball when he went to Iraq.
They also said he was responsible for 9/11, after just being in office for 7 months. They also preach that he increased the deficit.

But after a year in office the dems say nothing about Obama being responsible for the economy, the unemployment over 10% when he said it wouldn't go over 8% , or taking his eye off the ball by spending all his time and effort trying to get a health care bill passed, and not concentrating on the lost jobs, and economy!

They say nothing about him increasing our national dept by 3 times, making Bush look like a miser.

We have had three terrorist attacks in his first year and really not showing much concern, by treating it more like a crime, and not like an act of war.

When I saw him bow to two dictator leaders of a country, shake the hand of a third,,,,Chaves, I just about threw up!

In my 68 years of seeing different presidents come and go, I have never, ever, seen a president, make fun of and mock the people that doesn't agree with him.

He takes an oath, when sworn into office, to defend all the people, including the people he is MOCKING. But by bowing, to other leaders as he has done, is a bow of submission by all the people in this county. A BOW IS AN ACT OF SUBMISSION!

I remember when Jimmy Carter kissed both cheeks of the Russian leader, on tv (forgot his name) The guys eyes (not Carters) got as big an quarters, and I almost threw up then. Two weeks later Russia invaded Afghanistan!

I always thought that Carter was by far the absolute worst president we have had. But now he is the second worst, Obama has taken the lead!

I have also never been as upset as I am, from any other president. If people really wake up to what is happening to our country, I believe he will be impeached. And I hope as many as possible are voted out of office this November!
I'm so dam mad, even I am surprised at myself!

Larry - 1980 F25 HT

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Post by prowlersfish »

Like carter one term , we need a Regan again
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Post by SnapperDude »

I'll tell ya... You conservatives, all rolled toger, couldn't come up with one original idea or argument if your lives depended on it. Just the same old, tired nonsense that comes from the garbage mouthed talk radio hosts. Same crap, over and over again.

What did your parents do to you to make you all so mean spirited? And, by the way, were it not for the reckess, "screw the little guy" incompetence of the Bush administration -- the current administration would not have needed to save the economy via the TARP program. The entire economic mess we're in now can be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Cheyney/Bush administration. Bush was an embarrassment -- to have him represent the USA was an embarrassment. Hide George, go back to Yale and dream of your glory days as a cheerleader.

And, you right wingers, keep it up.... Lets just see what happens.
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Post by LSP »

SnapperDude wrote:I'll tell ya... You conservatives, all rolled toger, couldn't come up with one original idea or argument if your lives depended on it. Just the same old, tired nonsense that comes from the garbage mouthed talk radio hosts. Same crap, over and over again.

What did your parents do to you to make you all so mean spirited? And, by the way, were it not for the reckess, "screw the little guy" incompetence of the Bush administration -- the current administration would not have needed to save the economy via the TARP program. The entire economic mess we're in now can be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Cheyney/Bush administration. Bush was an embarrassment -- to have him represent the USA was an embarrassment. Hide George, go back to Yale and dream of your glory days as a cheerleader.

And, you right wingers, keep it up.... Lets just see what happens.

ahhhh .... you're back!
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Post by Peter »

I agree with LSP. Rome was not built in a day, but already America's standing in the world has improved. We're moving from arrest and indefinite detention without charge, denial of access to legal representation, [or even acknowledgment of detention], widespread wiretaps and spying, torture of prisoners, to a country more in line with our constitution and values [To the type of values that so many have fought and died for]. This is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength of our values. As far as showing respect [ bowing] to those of another culture,this is not of sign of weakness, it is a sign of openness, a sign of strength of character, a sign of tolerance of other cultures.

Don't let yourself be brainwashed by political hate-ertainment on talk radio.

As far as the health-care debate is concerned, I'd be happy to tell you a few stories, more than a few needless tragedies of the current screwed up system. If you have Medicare, if you're a vet, even if you have Medicaid you have [in most cases] access to first-rate medical care...to world-class medical care. If you don't, some very nasty things can happen. Certainly there's no question that we need not health-care reform, but health-insurance reform. The problem is not the Democrats, or the Republicans, it is the fact that nothing can get done in Washington without backroom deals and maneuvering, and too much politics being put in front of real peoples lives.

[I don't know when it started that we started thinking that just because we are Americans we are always right, and above criticism]
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Post by prowlersfish »

SnapperDude wrote:I'll tell ya... You conservatives, all rolled toger, couldn't come up with one original idea or argument if your lives depended on it. Just the same old, tired nonsense that comes from the garbage mouthed talk radio hosts. Same crap, over and over again.

What did your parents do to you to make you all so mean spirited? And, by the way, were it not for the reckess, "screw the little guy" incompetence of the Bush administration -- the current administration would not have needed to save the economy via the TARP program. The entire economic mess we're in now can be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Cheyney/Bush administration. Bush was an embarrassment -- to have him represent the USA was an embarrassment. Hide George, go back to Yale and dream of your glory days as a cheerleader.

And, you right wingers, keep it up.... Lets just see what happens.

Do you just come and sigh up to argue with the majority ? or did you just get a new name to hide behind ?
Do you Like socialism ? because thats what where going to get . the current administration is spending more the any one ever did , 3 more year your boy is gone . even the mass left got smarter . printing more money is not the answer .

and to anwer the question" What did your parents do" They told me to stand on my own 2 feet and take responsablely for myself , you should try that.

BTW your the only one that seem mean here . maybe you should go where there is socialism if you like it so much . Have a good day :)
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Post by prowlersfish »

Peter I don't think you and LSP are on the same page as each other :?
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Post by larglo »

SnapperDude, Peter,

I was planning a long reply to your remarks, But that would be a big waste of my time.

Because I can let the people of Massachusetts make a better reply than I ever could. In a state where dems out number the GOP by 3-1 and had a Dem as their senator for the last 47 yrs, must be seeing things that you don't or refuse to!

As for the talk radio being of bunch of liars, and bull shitters, I must agree with you there, as well as a lot of other people. I see in the news that the last big try for the Dems talk radio ended in bankruptcy. I think they called it "AIR AMERICA". I guess the people just got tired of hearing all their lies and bullshit.

And ain't it funny that Fox News ratings are beating CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, all together. Poor MSNBC doesn't seem to be able to make enough money to pay for broadcasting in Hi Def.

As far as water boarding being torture, I'll bet you a $1000.00 if you ask any of the 3000 or so people who got murdered on 9/11 or any parent who's kids life that may depend on the answers they got from those SOB's, may disagree with you. Torture is what they did to John Mc Cain!

And I'll bet you can ask most Americans if they like our president bowing to a dam dictator, they would say hell no. The Dolly Lama, perhaps? Perhaps you should go back and read the news reports on that subject.

And,,,I can't wait till November!!! :D

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Post by Peter »

gee..I love stiring the pot... Larry ,I'm sure you're right about those 3000.... but the ends don't always justify the means. America is stronger morally and otherwise,when we adhere to our founding values, and not let fear erode them, and stampede us down the dark path that the zealots that killed those 3000 already live by.
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Post by Stripermann2 »

Us conservatives work and ask, how can we make this country better...Dems, well they just want to know...what's in it for me?? Bush made this country safe and sound since 9-11 so you, could sleep tight Snapper Dude...what has the big zero done? Tell me please!Did he pay your mortgage?
Last edited by Stripermann2 on Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by chauzer »

there is a joke that goes...

a girl comes home from college a sworn democrat, ready to argue politics with her conservative father, determined to finally win a political battle of wits with him. after arguing with her for several hours on the subject, the father says to his daughter " do you work hard to get good grades"? she replied "yes i do". he says "do you go out and party all night or spend endless hours in the library studying"? "i bust my ass to get my grades and never party, unlike my roommate who parties all the time and never studies"! the father then replies "how would you feel if the school took half of your grade point average and gave it to her"? the daughter, very bitterly replies "like hell, i worked too damn hard for her to get half of my G.P.A."! the father then very calmly says "welcome to the republican party". :lol:
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Post by alexander38 »

ok guys here's my shot at both party's the REP. and DEM. have both screwed up this place. I admit the DEM's have done it more. Peter it's not that he's a DEM he's a Progressive look it up truly find out what they are.and as far as Bush 43 the only thing he did right was keeping the enemy out of the country that he gets a B.Z. for.
I look at thing's a little differently, when one of them come up with a program ask you're self is it in the CONSTITUTION ! if not it's up to the states to handle it.
and I've never had a lefty or righty answer this question. Please tell me where in that piece parchment paper do find the right to take the money I earn and give it away !
and Peter as far as heath care for us Vets it sucks. when I join in 79 I was told I'd have it for me and my family. I do pay for it SIR. not a great deal but I pay it. and there's lots of stuff it won't pay for. I could go on for ever but look at the cause and effect of reason why things are the way they are.
Last edited by alexander38 on Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by alexander38 »

And Snapperdude you be real smart.. Accorn freak. whats wrong afraid of loosing your damn govt. check.
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Post by MTP »

alexander38 wrote:and Peter as far as heath care for us Vets it sucks. when I join in 79 I was told I'd have it for me and my family. I don't I pay for it SIR. not a great deal but I pay it. and there's lots of stuff it won't pay for. I could go on for ever but look at the cause and effect of reason why things are the way they are.

First off THANK YOU for your service....I agree with the VA statement in that my FIL is an a nam vet leg amputee and i know how hard he has to fight for even basic care that he is eligible for.
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Post by alexander38 »

that's right we can't get what they told us we'd get for our service while in the Navy I had every joint in both arms pulled from the sockets and had the top of my scalp damn near removed in an engine room fire now I work as a FedEx ground contractor and it hurts those joints and the VA told me BFD in so many words and I needed to fine another line of work. O and my disability rating is 0% I don't and most likely will never get a tax break on it. And any pain meds for it I pay for there's your Govt. med care.
So I deal with I stayed in the Navy for the retirement it offered me and my wife and we enjoyed it so don't thank me for my service please I did it for love of family and country
so lets real put a side the bullsh!t and lets really talk without name calling, because guys like me have been called every name in the book and I don't care anymore what folks think me. So Peter I wish you'd chime back in.
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